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Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Gemologists believe that gemstone's degree of rarity depends on two vital connected elements: Availability & Market desirability.
  • Availability defined; the degree in which a gemstone can be readily obtain

  • Market desirability defined; the characteristics that a gemstone possess that are desired by an informed collector

What is the rarest sapphire?

You will often hear that the rarest, most expensive sapphire is Padparadscha from Sri Lanka, but while the Padparadscha is rare, Gold Sheen Sapphire has come with extraordinary characteristics.

  • the new Gold Sheen Sapphire is the first ever sapphire to be certified as rare and unique with extremely rare gold adularescence, which was previously unknown in sapphires.

Some of the rare attributes of the Golden Sheen Sapphire are:

1 Treatment is the most salient factor to grade a stone's rarity , it all depends `on the factor that the stone is untreated or treated .Simply put : has the stone originated naturally from the earth or has it been enhanced through chemical treatments? Being natural = rarer As a matter of fact, Gold Sheen Sapphire is 100 % natural and need not to be treated for any enhancements since it is itself so elegant and stylish. This is an evidence of Gold Sheen Sapphire's rarity.

2 Clarity is another factor in determining the grade of a stone's rarity. Gold Sheen Sapphire's worth is more when it occurs without any eye visible inclusions than the one having blemishes and interior obscurities

Clean looking gems = Rarer

3 Size ;The bigger the Gold Sheen sapphire, the more difficult it is to cut and hence the rarer it is

4 Cutting :The cutting pattern of Gold Sheen Sapphire can have influence on its superficial brilliance and shine. Stones are sometimes cut in a way that maximizes light reflection and hence make them rarer.

Better cutting pattern = Rarer

5 Shape is one of the inessential factors for determining rarity , still odd or fancy shapes can give an additional layer of uniqueness making it = more rare.

6 Origin : Gold Sheen Sapphire has its origin from a single mine which has already been depleted and can't be found anywhere else + only 1 to 2 % of the total rough depleted yield such colorful, shimmering, transparent quality .This all adds to the uniqueness and rarity of the stone.


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