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The second rarest gemstone displaying an attractive 'golden sheen effect' known as ''GOLD SHEEN SAPPHIRE'' was discovered in Kenya in 2009. It was the first-ever species of corundum to have been certified as rare and unique by great international laboratories around the world, including GIA, AIGS, GIT, TGL, GRS, LOTUS, AGL, SSEF, ICA GemLab. What makes gold sheen sapphires differ from conventional sapphires is that they exhibit  Gold adularescence which was previously unknown in sapphires.

500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158 

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-10 at 6.46.56 AM
WhatsApp Image 2020-11-10 at 6.46.56 AM


After a millennium, an incredible breakthrough of the rarest gemstone from the corundum family was made with rare inclusions and optical effects.

Gold sheen sapphire or Golden sheen sapphire were found and excavated from a single mine. It is extremely rare that not even 0.00001% of people have been able to see it.


  • The International Colored Gemstone Association, a prominent laboratory, affirms the rarity and uniqueness of this sapphire variety. According to LOTUS expert Richard W. Hughes, the star variety of Gold Sheen is becoming increasingly scarce in today's market, and its distinctively rare shimmering appearance earns it the prestigious designation of Lotus Golden Sheen.



Gold Sheen Sapphire star has been considered as increasingly rare in today's market by major labs like Lotus.  Gia wrote in an article of summer 2018 it has a unique star with transparent core The star which shines upon Golden sheen sapphire  surface is an asterism, which gives the stone a six-rayed star when viewed under the light, a direct light source while tilting and rotating the stone is the best way to see the star shine. sharp laser-like shimmering star and the translucent tone denote how rare & unique it is. 



Color is the main identity that makes gold sheen sapphire different from conventional sapphires.

Two elements contribute to the color of ''GOLD SHEEN SAPPHIRES"

  • The golden sheen adolescence 

  • And the body color,                 body-color can be yellow, green, blue, pink, or a combination of these four colors in the different intensity and shades.   

Gold sheen sapphire Prices



The chart shows the constantly increasing price of different Gold Sheen Sapphire grades

 Nowadays, the best extremely rare one in the whole world pieces  are above $6,000 per carat


  • US$150 to US$250 Per Carat – Commercial grade,

  • US$800 to US$1200 Per Carat – Good to very good grades,

  • US$1,000 to US$3,000 – Fine to extra fine grades,

  • US$3,500 to US$5,000 – Rare grades,

  • US$6000Per Carat onwards – Exceptionally rare, Multicolored, Translucent grades.

These Golden sheen sapphire price data are collected from major trade fairs and are enough to signify an upward trend of the demand, as gold sheen sapphire demand is drastically increasing over the period of time the price of rare and unique stones are expected to raise furthermore.

Tel: 123-456-7890

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